Dress code
At the Solennakten and banquet, the dress code is formal attire with academic decorations. Folk costumes and uniforms are also permitted.
The tailcoat has a black jacket and trousers and is worn with a white shirt and white bow tie. If you do not own a tailcoat, you may rent one, but it can also be replaced by a dark suit. Wristwatches may not be worn, but pocket watches are permitted. For dancing, white gloves may be worn.
Long dress
The evening dress is a festive long dress. Dress shoes and a handbag may be worn with the dress. Festive gloves can be worn if desired, but they are to be removed while eating.
Nation bands, medals, and other attachments
The bands are worn in the following order: student union, nation, and subject association. A maximum of three bands may be worn at a time. A shorter version of the nations' band is worn inside of the tailcoat and vest from the right shoulder to the left side. The full-length ribbon can be worn with a festive or dark suit. It is then worn as a band from the right shoulder across the chest down to the left or as a band from the left shoulder across the chest down to the right. It is worn with a dark suit under the jacket and vest but over the tie. With a long dress, the national ribbon is worn as a bow above the left breast.
Awards, honours, and commemorative badges are worn according to specific rules or if no rules exist on the left side.
According to good etiquette, no plastic bags are to be brought to the Solenna Akt, rather a nice gift bag or tote bag is preferred. Traditionally, academic sittings have been referred to as "bordsherre" and "bordsdam". Nowadays, the seating order is usually not divided in the same way, and therefore the terms "table left" (bordsherre) and "table right" (bordsdam) are often used instead.
The table left seeks out the table right to escort them to the table. Everyone stands until the flags arrive. Toasting order: table right toasts first to table left, then left, and lastly straight ahead. Remember eye contact. The left side of the table makes the opposite toast. Everyone sits until the main course is served. At the end of the banquet, no one leaves until the flags have been brought out.
The person on the right dances the first dance with the person on the left, the second dance with the person on the left, and the third dance with the person opposite to them.